Natural Disaster – Kaikoura Earthquake November 2016


Olivia’s holiday home in Kaikoura shook during the November earthquake.  Thankfully no one was hurt, but the property was damaged.  Paintings and furniture had scraped against the walls, doors wouldn’t shut properly and the floor level had dropped substantially in one part of the home.

Claim Process:

Olivia logged into her dashboard on the Initio website to tell them about this new claim.  While completing the details of the claim, she uploaded a couple of photos to show the extent of the damage.  The EQC accepted the claim and were therefore liable repairs up to $115,000 incl GST for the home and $23,000 incl GST for the contents.


EQC worked with a local assessing team and building firm to have the repairs quoted and they cash settled Olivia directly so that she could get the repairs completed at time that suited her and local repairers.


All claims are different, and they are assessed on their own merits and facts. The above profile does not imply a guaranteed approached all such claims