How does initio get paid?

On the questions of: how does Initio make money? does Initio charge fees?  it is first important to know what type of business Initio is:

Initio is an Underwriting Agency of registered insurer IAG.  Initio is not an insurance company in its own right.  This means that Initio has delegated authority from the insurer to establish and manage insurance for houses, contents and cars.  In addition, Initio has authority to pay claims on behalf of the insurer.
Initio is a licensed Financial Advice Provider under the Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand.  Initio have staff who are Registered Financial Advisors, which enables Initio to provide customers with insurance advice specific to their situation.

On the sale of an insurance policy, including its subsequent renewal, Initio is remunerated by commission and fees.  The commission is a payment that recognises the cost of delivering such functions, administration, and services that would otherwise be a cost to the insurer, and the fee is a transaction and platform fee designed to recover costs associated with transaction processing including bank and payment provider processing costs, credit card merchant charges, and obtaining property risk and vehicle data, and regulated financial advice.  For details of charges and remuneration see our disclosure statement, and/or refer to the quote and invoice when transacting with us.